Wednesday, April 13, 2011


What is Immigration and who are Immigrants

Immigration , what does it mean literally, “migration or leaving your country”  and immigrants are those people who do this.
Most of you ( I mean immigrants) must be thinking Italy or other European countries, why? They legalize , illegal people or open immigration or in other words you can say the people who are living like clandestine to give them permission to live without hiding themselves.
     According to the International Organization of Migrant, from 1970 to 1990, the immigrants has been increased in the world form 29% to 55% in these 20 years, until now there are 15 million people are living as immigrants in different developed countries.
      According to the survey which was held in 1998, in Italy, immigrants are 1.5%of the total population and among those there are .5% belongs to European community and up to last immigrations and flow (flussi)  it has been increased up to 2.5% of the total  population. On the other hand in other European countries like Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Switzerland they have highest percentage of the immigrants.
      For example in Switzerland, immigrants are 20% of the total population which means among  100 people 20 are immigrants. In Italy they have started giving documents which they call “permesso di soggiorno” or legalisation was in 1987 although the law was passed in 1986 anyhow respectively in 1990, 1996, 1998 and lastly in 2002.
      Apart from that they have started flow of the people which is called (flussi) and quota system  with that a datore di lavoro can invite a person from the mentioned countries in the decretto passed by the government and they will keep doing this in the future as well.
     Usually people think, any European country legalize clandestine for God sake or for granted which isn’t true
      In Europe you can’t get documents until unless you marry with he or she (European citizen) otherwise if you are skill full in some special field like computer programmer or designer of jewellery and diamonds or stones or in nursing and teaching field (It varies country to country) otherwise it’s impossible to get documents or in certain European countries you live 10 to 15 years illegal, you give proves and with the help of lawyer or even with out you can get documents. Or if you are living as asylum seeker and your case has been accepted.
    Let’s talk about Italy. According to the analysis, survey and fact and figures of United Nation , Italian population is 57million (according to the census of 2000) which will be decreased in 2050 up to 41million. Which means in 2000 the population was 57million and in 2025 it will be 50 million and respectively in 2050 it will be 41 million. So this thing is a great disaster and problem for a country like Italy.
    United Nation has strictly warn Italian immigration department that they should make lenient and easy laws for immigrants to enter in Italy or you can say relax their policies about immigrants.
     In fact the truth is this, in Italy the birth rate is low and the death rate is not higher but more than the birth rate and in the population which is 57 million are those people as well who are above 65 to 70 years old. So it’s a problem. Where there is high population is problem, less population is problem as well. There should be balance in population. For example in Italian population of 57 million, 18% people are above 65 years old and in the future it will be increased up to 35% and this thing is related to economics.
        For example a country which has population of 100 people among those 100 people , 20 are already on pension and 15 are kids. Now rest of them are male and female you can say men and women. Some of them are working and some of them aren’t. the people who are working , they are paying taxes. When in country the workers graph is low and like in Italy, INAIL and INAIL start getting less taxes and how can they pay pension, from state’s treasure or there should be some other solution.
      According to the santoria ( legislation law passed by the government) of 1996 and 2002 Italian government has announced that if you pay the tax ( contributi) of the preceding three months than you are eligible to apply for documents.
       For example in 2002 Italian government has announced a sum of 800euro tax (contributi) of three preceding months for lavoro subordinato and sum of 400euro tax (contibuti) of three preceding months for lavoro domestico, colf ,badante to apply for the documents to get permesso di soggiorno. As gazzetta ufficiale was published millions of poeple has submitted their papers and paid millions of euros in Poste Italiane ( the contributi which was supposed to be paying by datore di lavoro) I am talking about majority and Italian government has earned hundreds and millions of euros. INPS’s graph increased which was low form last many years not INPS but Poste Italiane they earned a lot of money as well.
     According to the Italian news papers INPS graph has been increased up to 54% due to these recent immigrations. In Italy if foreigners (I mean immigrants) don’t work and don’t pay taxes than they don’t get their documents (permesso di osggiorno) renewed, they can’t buy car, they can’t have house on rent etc.
    If Italians they understand this population’s ratio proportionality, which is birth rate and death rate than they would receive us cordially.
        If Italian, they don’t understand what is immigration and what are the immigrants than it’s absurd and laughable thing because they were and are still immigrants, were and are migrated to different European countries and to the north and south American countries. Until yet there are 60 million Italian who are settled in different countries of the world and there are 2.5 million immigrants in Italy. If you look at these analysis than you should be ashamed of being immigrant, specially in Italy and not even ashamed of being immigrant and of migration as well.

Sarfraz baig

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